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88 résultat(s) recherche sur le mot-clé 'Fauteuils roulants'
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DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Erg 2012 P46 Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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K.L. Best, Auteur ; William C. Miller, Auteur ; Janice J. Eng, Auteur |Description. Les fauteuils roulants manuels peuvent améliorer la mobilité et la participation sociale des personnes ayant de la difficulté à marcher; toutefois, les personnes âgées reçoivent peu dentraînement au fauteuil roulant. Le programme d[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité RevCanErg 2014 P2014/5 Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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Objectives To determine (1) agreement of musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK-US) findings of shoulder pathology and related shoulder special test results in individuals with varied durations of manual wheelchair (MWC) use after spinal cord injury ([...]Article
Objective To evaluate whether medial knee support (MKS) in seating systems aggravates hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Design Retrospective chart review. Setting Rehabilitation department of tertiary university hospital.[...]Article
Objective To assess the relation of pectoralis minor muscle (PMm) length and extensibility to shoulder pain, shoulder girdle motion, and duration of manual wheelchair (MWC) use, and to compare differences in muscle length, muscle extensibility,[...]Article
Objectives To test the hypothesis that challenges to community participation posed by winter weather are greater for individuals who use scooters, manual and power wheelchairs (wheeled mobility devices [WMDs]) than for the general ambulatory po[...]Article
Objectives To refine the Transfer Assessment Instrument (TAI 2.0), develop a training program for the TAI, and analyze the basic psychometric properties of the TAI 3.0, including reliability, standard error of measurement (SEM), minimal detecta[...]Article
Recent studies have used data loggers to record a wide range of, sometimes differing, objective outcomes associated with the use of manual wheelchairs. To identify which outcomes are broadly perceived to be the most important to measure when obj[...]Article
Au sein de l'Institut d'éducation motrice (IEM) Saint-Jean-de-Dieu, qui accueille des enfants et adolescents handicapés moteurs, une analyse des propositions faites en matière de positionnement au fauteuil roulant nous a conduits à la création d[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Erg 2017 P66 Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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Objective To compare the metabolic cost (oxygen uptake per unit time [ o2 consumption], heart rate, and number of pushes), performance (velocity and distance traveled), and efficiency (oxygen uptake per distance traveled [Vo2 efficiency]) of p[...]Article
Yih-Kuen Jan ; Barbara Crane ; Liao Fuyuan ; et al. |Objective To compare the efficacy of wheelchair tilt-in-space and recline on enhancing muscle and skin perfusion over the ischial tuberosities in people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Design Repeated-measures and before-after trial design. Set[...]Article
K.K. Wessels, Auteur ; S.P. Broglio, Auteur ; Jacob Sosnoff, Auteur |Article
We report successful correction of new onset neuromuscular scoliosis without spinal surgery in a man who is 30-years post-American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale grade A C6 injury with new onset of left neuromuscular scoliosis (Cobb [...]Article
Objective To compare the frequency of power wheelchair (PWC) repairs and consequences experienced over a 6-month period by individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) who use a PWC ≥40h/wk, based on manufacturer, seating functions, Healthca[...]Article
Objective To investigate the utility of the differentiated rating of perceived exertion (RPE) for the self-regulation of submaximal wheelchair propulsion in novice users. Design Each participant completed a submaximal incremental test and a gr[...]Article
Objective To analyze whether frequent overhead-sports activity increases the risk for rotator cuff disease in patients with spinal cord injuries (SCIs) who are wheelchair dependent. Design Cross-sectional study, risk analysis. Setting Departm[...]Article
Objective To quantify and compare the responsiveness and concurrent validity of 3 performance-based manual wheelchair propulsion tests among manual wheelchair users with subacute spinal cord injury (SCI) undergoing inpatient rehabilitation. Des[...]Article
Yih-Kuen Jan ; Liao Fuyuan ; M.A. Jones ; et al. |"Objective To compare the efficacy of various durations of wheelchair tilt-in-space and recline on enhancing skin perfusion over the ischial tuberosity in people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Design Repeated-measures, intervention and outcomes[...]Article
Objective To assess the effectiveness of group wheelchair skills training to elicit improvements in wheelchair skills. Design Randomized double-blinded controlled trial. Setting Four Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Centers. Participants Man[...]Article
Objective To investigate the effectiveness and interactions of 2 methods of pressure ulcer prevention, wheelchair cushions and pressure relief maneuvers, on interface pressure (IP) and blood flow of the buttocks. Design Within-subject repeated[...]Article
Objectives To test the hypotheses that, in comparison with a control group that received standard care, users of manual wheelchairs who also received the French-Canadian version of the Wheelchair Skills Training Program (WSTP) would significant[...]Article
DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Erg 2017 P66 Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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Objective To develop and evaluate energy expenditure (EE) estimation models for a physical activity monitoring system (PAMS) in manual wheelchair users with spinal cord injury (SCI). Design Cross-sectional study. Setting University-based labo[...]Article
Objective To assess differences between manual wheelchairs and 3 pushrim-activated power-assisted wheelchairs (PAPAWs): Servomatic A and B and E-motion. Design Repeated measures. Setting Rehabilitation hospital. Participants Volunteers with [...]Article
DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité KinSci 2013 P546 Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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