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Objectif: Démontrer la faisabilité et la fiabilité de l'enregistrement binaural simultané des réponses auditives à l'état stationnaire (ASSR) chez les jeunes enfants en utilisant des CE-Chirps à bande étroite comme stimuli. Conception: étude de [...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité International journal of audiology IJA. Vol.54, n°1-12 (January-December 2015) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité L_61_2036 B Livre Ixelles Mezzanine Prêt autorisé
Objective: The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether scores for a speech-in-noise test were associated with the results of two electrophysiological techniques mainly targeting low spontaneous rate, high-threshold auditory fibres. [...]Livre
The study of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) has a long and rich history, and both scientific and clinical exploration of the auditory system will continue in the years to come. With some basic knowledge and clinical training, the recording of[...]Article
Hana A. Almohammad, Auteur ; Mark E. Chertoff, Auteur ; John A. Ferraro, Auteur ; Francisco J. Diaz, Auteur |Objective The auditory nerve overlapped waveform response (ANOW), a new measure that can be recorded non-invasively from humans, holds promise for providing more accurate assessment of low frequency hearing thresholds than currently used object[...]Article
Objective: This study describes a new automated strategy to determine the detection status of an electrophysiological response. Design: Response, noise and signal-to-noise ratio of the cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP) were characterise[...]Article
Objective: To produce sound-evoked cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMPs). These are widely used for the diagnosis of peripheral vestibulopathies and disturbances of the sacculocollic reflexes. The main, sensitive, frequency for[...]Article
Objectives: Although children with unilateral hearing loss (uHL) have high risk of experiencing academic difficulties, speech-language delays, poor sound localization, and speech recognition in noise, studies on hearing aid (HA) outcomes are few[...]Livre
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Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité L_425_5015 Livre Ixelles Mezzanine Prêt autorisé
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Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Cahiers de l'audition. Vol. 34, n°3 (Mai/juin 2021) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Ghadah S. Aljarboa, Auteur ; Steve L. Bell, Auteur ; David Martin Simpson, Auteur |Objective To explore the detection of cortical responses to continuous speech using a single EEG channel. Particularly, to compare detection rates and times using a cross-correlation approach and parameters extracted from the temporal response [...]Article
This investigation was designed to evaluate the effect of age-related hearing loss on the click-rate-induced improvement in the acoustic reflex thresholds. Design: Casecontrol study. Study sample: Data from five different adults ear-groups (15 [...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité International journal of audiology IJA. Vol. 56, n° 1-12 (January-December 2017) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Aleksandra Martinovic ; Jessica Chen ; Kayla Sivas ; Sarah Owens ; Matthew A. Firpo ; Arthur H. Park |Background: Intraoperative auditory brainstem response (ioABR) testing under general anesthesia is commonly performed on children when sleep-deprived ABR and behavioral testing are not reliable or feasible. Several studies have reported potentia[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA). Vol. 32, n° 2 (February 2021) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Passive electrophysiological protocols, such as the middle latency response and speech auditory brainstem response, are often advocated in the objective assessment of central auditory processing disorder (CAPD). However, few established electrop[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA). Vol.30, n°6 (June 2019) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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