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Les troubles du traitement auditif (TTA) sont dus à un dysfonctionnement du système nerveux auditif central qui altère la capacité des voies auditives à traiter correctement les informations sonores, alors que l'audition périphérique est normale[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Cahiers de l'audition. Vol. 35, n°2 (Mars/avril 2022) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Michael Valente, Auteur ; Ross J. Roeser, Auteur ; Holly Hosford-Dunn, Auteur | New York, Stuttgart : Thieme | 2007From the principles of hearing aid instrumentation, selection, and fitting, to the medical and surgical management of ear diseases and hearing disorders, to the rehabilitation of the patient with hearing loss, the new edition of Audiology: Treat[...]Livre
The fourth edition of the classic text on Auditory Disorders in School Children extensively covers techniques for identifying hearing loss in infants and children. Co-authored by leading specialists, the child-centered book provides important in[...]Article
Trey Cline ; Nicole Colgrove ; Matthew Bush ; Jessica Lee ; David Powell ; Anders Andersen ; Jeffrey Weihing ; Frank E. Musiek ; Jennifer Shinn |Background Dichotic listening occurs when one attends to different acoustical messages presented simultaneously to both ears. This is important for understanding speech in compromised listening situations, such as background noise. Deficits in [...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA). Vol. 32, n° 1 (January 2021) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Characteristic Deviations of Auditory Evoked Potentials in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Kamakshi V. Gopal ; Erin C. Schafer ; Rajesh Nandy ; Ashley Brown ; Joshua Caldwell ; Bryce S. Phillips ; Gabrielle Ballard |Background Neurological, structural, and behavioral abnormalities are widely reported in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); yet there are no objective markers to date. We postulated that by using dominant and nondominant ear data,[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA). Vol. 32, n° 6 (June 2021) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Sara Momtaz, Auteur ; Deborah Moncrieff, Auteur ; Meredith A. Ray, Auteur ; Gavin M. Bidelman, Auteur |Objective We investigated auditory temporal processing in children with amblyaudia (AMB), a subtype of auditory processing disorder (APD), via cortical neural entrainment. Design and study samples Evoked responses were recorded to click-tra[...]Article
Christi M. Barbee, Auteur ; Jessica A. James, Auteur ; Jin Hyung Park, Auteur ; Emily M. Smith, Auteur ; Carole E. Johnson, Auteur ; Shari Clifton, Auteur ; Jeffrey L. Danhauer, Auteur |Standard audiometric evaluations are not sensitive enough to identify hidden hearing loss (HHL) and/or cochlear synaptopathy (CS). Patients with either of these conditions frequently present with difficulty understanding speech in noise or other[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Seminars in hearing. Vol. 39 ,n° 2 (May 2018) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Objective The aim of this study was to compare speech reception thresholds in noise measured with the Listening in Spatialised Noise Universal test (LiSN-U; which requires no English knowledge) with those measured from the relevant conditio[...]Article
A meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate how effective the Gaps-in-Noise (GIN) test is in separating populations who are and who are not at risk of having neurological damage related to the central auditory nervous system (CANS). This was inves[...]Article
Tommy Evans, Auteur ; Timothy Nejman, Auteur ; Erin Stewart, Auteur ; Ian Windmill, Auteur |Telehealth as a means to deliver health care services has been used by physicians for many years, but the use of telehealth in audiology, specifically in pediatrics, has been minimal. Barriers such as licensure, reimbursement, technology, and eq[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Seminars in hearing. Vol. 42, n°2 (May 2021) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Virginia Amy Milne, Auteur |Difficulty hearing in the presence of background noise is a common complaint heard by audiologists. This can be accompanied by additional difficulty in classrooms and other difficult listening situations. This was recently exacerbated by the cor[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Seminars in hearing. Vol. 42, n°2 (May 2021) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Erin C. Schafer, Auteur ; Benjamin Kirby, Auteur ; Sharon Miller, Auteur |School classrooms are noisy and reverberant environments, and the poor acoustics can be a barrier to successful learning in children, particularly those with multiple disabilities, auditory processing issues, and hearing loss. A new set of liste[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Seminars in hearing. Vol.41, n°4 (November 2020) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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David P. Jedlicka, Auteur |Providing same-day hearing aid fitting appointments to patients being seen in an audiology clinic for an audiometric evaluation may help decrease clinic wait times and reduce the need for future in-person appointments. Prior to 2020, the Veteran[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Seminars in hearing. Vol. 42, n°2 (May 2021) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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