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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a pure-tone threshold average (PTA) ≤25 dB HL for the better ear represents no impairment. This implies that patients with single-sided deafness (SSD) would have no or very slight hearin[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA). Vol.29, n°7 (July/August 2018) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité L_425_0014_1 Livre Ixelles Mezzanine Prêt autorisé
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Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité L_425_1027 Livre Ixelles Mezzanine Prêt autorisé
Samantha K. Robler ; Alyssa Platt ; Cole D. Jenson ; Meade S. Inglis ; Philip Hofstetter ; Alexandra Ross ; Nae-Yuh Wang ; Joseph J. Gallo ; Suzan D. Emmett ; Joseph R. Egger ; Alain Labrique |Objectives: Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated for various screening tools, including mobile health (mHealth) pure-tone screening, tympanometry, distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE), and inclusion of high frequencies to determine the [...]Article
Objectives: Although the educational achievement gap between people without hearing loss and people with hearing loss is well-documented, few studies are based on large, nonclinical samples. The present study aims to investigate the educational [...]Article
Objectives: An unexpectedly low word recognition (WR) score may be taken as evidence of increased risk for retrocochlear tumor. We sought to develop evidence for or against using a standardized WR (sWR) score in detecting retrocochlear tumors. T[...]Article
Objectives: A new bone conduction transducer, the Radioear B-81, has been designed to be an improvement over the commonly used transducer, the Radioear B-71. Reference Equivalent Threshold Force Levels (RETFLs) were obtained with the new Radioea[...]Article
Objectives: Cognitive load (CL) impairs listeners' ability to comprehend sentences, recognize words, and identify speech sounds. Recent findings suggest that this effect originates in a disruption of low-level perception of acoustic details. Her[...]Article
Background In the 1950s, with monitored live voice testing, the vu meter time constant and the short durations and amplitude modulation characteristics of monosyllabic words necessitated the use of the carrier phrase amplitude to monitor (indir[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA). Vol.31, n°6 (Juin 2020) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Extended high-frequency (EHF) audiometry is useful for evaluating ototoxic exposures and may relate to speech recognition, localisation and hearing aid benefit. There is a need to determine whether common clinical practice for EHF audiometry usi[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité International journal of audiology IJA. Vol. 56, n° 1-12 (January-December 2017) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine if traditional audiologic measures (e.g., pure-tone average, speech recognition) and audibility-based measures predict risk for spoken language delay in children who are hard of hearing (CHH[...]Article
Kelly M. Reavis ; Garnett P. McMillan ; Kathleen F. Carlson ; Antony R. Joseph ; Jonathan M. Snowden ; Susan E. Griest ; James A. Henry |Objectives: Auditory impairments, particularly those resulting from hazardous occupational noise exposures, are pressing concerns for the US Departments of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA). However, to date, no studies have estimated the [...]