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Objectives: We examined the effect of age on speech understanding and multitask costs in the ecologically relevant "Audiovisual True-to-Life Assessment of Auditory Rehabilitation"-paradigm (AVATAR). Design: Twenty-nine normal-hearing middle-age[...]Article
Jessie N. Patterson ; Amanda I. Rodriguez ; Katherine R. Gordon ; Julie A. Honaker ; Kristen L. Janky |Objective: Recently developed, the Radioear B81 bone oscillator allows for higher bone conduction vibration output; however, normative data are lacking regarding its use in vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing. The purpose of this[...]Article
Benson Cheng-Lin Hsu ; Filiep J. Vanpoucke ; Margreet Langereis ; Ann Dierckx ; Astrid van Wieringen |Objectives: A clinically viable measure of listening effort is crucial in safeguarding the educational success of hard-of-hearing students enrolled in mainstream schools. To this end, a novel behavioral paradigm of listening effort targeting sch[...]Article
La crise du financement des retraites, associée au problème du vieillissement de la force de travail, a rendu saillante létude des processus psychologiques et sociaux en jeu lors des dernières étapes de la carrière professionnelle. Dans ce cont[...]Article
DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Journal of memory and language. Vol. 55, n° 1 (July 2006) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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Older adults often report difficulty hearing in background noise which is not completely attributable to peripheral hearing loss. Although age-related declines in cognition and hearing in background noise occur, the underlying age-related change[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA). Vol.29, n°10 (November/december 2018) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Ear and hearing. Vol.29, n° 4 (Août 2008) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
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