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Auteur Daisy H. Coyle |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Elizabeth K. Dunford ; Daisy H. Coyle ; Jimmy Chun Yu Louie ; Kieron Rooney ; Anneliese Blaxland ; Simone Pettigrew ; Alexandra Jones |Background In parallel with growing consumer interest in reducing sugar intake, manufacturers have increased availability of food and beverage products containing nonnutritive sweeteners (NNSs). However, emerging evidence indicates that specific[...]Article
Tailane Scapin ; Ana Fernandes ; Cintia C. Curioni ; Simone Pettigrew ; Bruce Neal ; Daisy H. Coyle ; Vanessa M. Rodrigues ; Greyce L. Bernardo ; Paula L. Uggioni ; Rossana P C. Proença |Context: Reducing population intakes of sugar has become a focus of many national and international public health policies. Packaged foods and beverages are key contributors to sugar intakes, and food labels can be an effective tool to reduce s[...]Article
Daisy H. Coyle ; Maria Shahid ; Elizabeth K. Dunford ; Cliona Ni Mhurchu ; Tailane Scapin ; Kathy Trieu ; Matti Marklund ; Jimmy Chun Yu Louie ; Bruce Neal ; Jason H.Y. Wu |Background The Australian Government will soon be releasing a series of sugar reformulation targets for packaged foods. Objective To estimate the amount of added sugar purchased from packaged food and beverages and the relative contribution that[...]