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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Jeffrey E. McAlister |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

James M. Cottom ; Jason George DeVries ; Christopher F. Hyer ; Jeffrey E. McAlister ; Matthew D. Sorensen |Total ankle replacement (TAR) continues to increase in popularity as a motion-preserving option to ankle arthrodesis. TAR is indicated for primary, posttraumatic and inflammatory arthropathies as an alternative procedure to tibiotalar arthrodesi[...]Article
Michael D. Dujela ; Travis Langan ; James M. Cottom ; William T. DeCarbo ; Jeffrey E. McAlister ; Christopher F. Hyer |There has been significant enhancement in surgical management of hallux valgus deformity. Recognition of the role of medial column hypermobility has resulted in better functional outcomes with decreased risk of recurrence. Modern techniques have[...]Article
Lesser toe plantar plate injuries at the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint are a common source of metatarsalgia. Chronic pain with weight-bearing is the common presentation of lesser toe instability. Deformity occurs when the plantar plate is torn[...]Article
Os trigonum usually becomes symptomatic in active Individuals. Diagnosis of Os trigonum is made based on history, clinical exam and findings and imaging. Treatment may include conservative care. For more active population, surgical optio[...]