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Auteur Gary Williamson |
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Jan Frank ; Naomi Fukagawa ; Anna R. Bilia ; Elizabeth J. Johnson ; Oran Kwon ; Vish Prakash ; Teruo Miyazawa ; Michael N. Clifford ; Colin D. Kay ; Alan Crozier ; John W. Erdman ; Andrew Shao ; Gary Williamson |Many terms for plant-derived food components are commonly used in the literature, but there is a notable lack of standardization and definition of nomenclature. The use of terms is often field-specific, leading to misunderstanding and problems w[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Nutrition reviews. Vol. 78, n° 6 (June 2020) Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
Exclu du prêt