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Auteur Colin D. Kay |
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Jan Frank ; Naomi Fukagawa ; Anna R. Bilia ; Elizabeth J. Johnson ; Oran Kwon ; Vish Prakash ; Teruo Miyazawa ; Michael N. Clifford ; Colin D. Kay ; Alan Crozier ; John W. Erdman ; Andrew Shao ; Gary Williamson |Many terms for plant-derived food components are commonly used in the literature, but there is a notable lack of standardization and definition of nomenclature. The use of terms is often field-specific, leading to misunderstanding and problems w[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Nutrition reviews. Vol. 78, n° 6 (June 2020) Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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Kristine L. Kay ; Renee C. Strauch ; Cheryl D. Granillo ; Megan W. Bame ; Jia Xiong ; Aubrey C. Mast ; Britt Burton-Freeman ; Colin D. Kay ; Mary Ann Lila |Berry consumption is linked to diverse health benefits, but numerous questions remain regarding mechanism of action, dose efficacy, and optimal duration and frequency of intake. Addressing these outstanding questions requires an organized assess[...]