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Auteur Samantha Kleindienst Robler
Forme retenue (renvoi voir) :
Robler, Samantha K.
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Samantha K. Robler ; Alyssa Platt ; Cole D. Jenson ; Meade S. Inglis ; Philip Hofstetter ; Alexandra Ross ; Nae-Yuh Wang ; Joseph J. Gallo ; Suzan D. Emmett ; Joseph R. Egger ; Alain Labrique |Objectives: Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated for various screening tools, including mobile health (mHealth) pure-tone screening, tympanometry, distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE), and inclusion of high frequencies to determine the [...]Article
Meade Inglis-Jenson ; Samantha K. Robler ; Joseph J. Gallo ; Paul Ivanoff ; Stephanie Ryan ; Philip Hofstetter ; Suzan D. Emmett |Objectives: The aim of this study is to present an explanatory model of hearing loss in the Bering Strait region of Alaska in order to contextualize the results of a cluster randomized trial and propose implications for regional hearing-related [...]Article
Kelli L. Hicks ; Samantha K. Robler ; Alyssa Platt ; Sarah N. Morton ; Joseph R. Egger ; Suzan D. Emmett |Objectives: Infection-related childhood hearing loss is one of the few preventable chronic health conditions that can affect a child's lifelong trajectory. This study sought to quantify relationships between infection-mediated hearing loss and m[...]Article
Felix Q. Jin ; Samantha Kleindienst Robler ; Sarah N. Morton ; Alyssa Platt ; Joseph R. Egger ; Suzan D. Emmett ; Mark L. Palmeri |Objective: Childhood hearing loss has well-known, lifelong consequences. Infection-related hearing loss disproportionately affects underserved communities yet can be prevented with early identification and treatment. This study evaluates the uti[...]Article
Samantha K. Robler ; Meade Inglis-Jenson ; Joseph J. Gallo ; Paul Ivanoff ; Stephanie Ryan ; Philip Hofstetter ; Suzan D. Emmett |Objectives: To understand factors associated with outcomes in a cluster-randomized controlled trial that evaluated a telemedicine specialty referral intervention for school hearing screenings in 15 rural Alaskan communities. Design: Hearing N[...]Article
Suzan D. Emmett ; Meade Inglis-Jenson ; Nae-Yuh Wang ; Alain Labrique ; Joseph J. Gallo ; Alyssa Platt ; Cole D. Jenson ; Philip Hofstetter ; Kelli L. Hicks ; Alexandra Ross ; Joseph R. Egger ; Samantha K. Robler |Objectives: Childhood hearing loss has well-known lifelong consequences. Certain rural populations are at higher risk for infection-related hearing loss. For Alaska Native children, historical data on hearing loss prevalence suggest a higher bur[...]Article
DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA). Vol.28, n°8 (September 2017) Périodique papier Ixelles Rez Consultation sur place uniquement
Exclu du prêtArticle
Samantha Kleindienst Robler ; Alyssa Platt ; Joseph J. Gallo ; Alain Labrique ; Elisabeth L. Turner ; Philip Hofstetter ; Meade Inglis-Jenson ; Cole D. Jenson ; Kelli L. Hicks ; Nae-Yuh Wang ; Suzan D. Emmett |Objectives: Preschool programs provide essential preventive services, such as hearing screening, but in rural regions, limited access to specialists and loss to follow-up compound rural health disparities. We conducted a parallel-arm cluster-ran[...]