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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur David R. Ellard |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
trié(s) par (Pertinence décroissant(e), Titre croissant(e)) Affiner la recherche
Objectives The aim of this study is to evaluate the measurement properties of the Olerud Molander Ankle Score in adults with an ankle fracture. Methods Patients completed outcome measure questionnaires at baseline, six, 10- and 16-weeks p[...]Article
ZiHeng Liew ; Bruno Mazuquin ; David R. Ellard ; Eleni Karasouli ; Stephen Drew ; Chetan Modi ; Howard Bush ; Martin Underwood ; Rebecca S. Kearney |Objective Optimum physiotherapy management for people with a conservatively managed primary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation is not known. The purpose of the ARTISAN trial is to compare the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a course of [...]Article
Background Identifying which patients with non-specific low back pain are likely to gain the greatest benefit from different treatments is an important research priority. Few studies are large enough to produce data on sub-group effects from di[...]