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Edelle C. Field-Fote ; Catherine L. Furbish ; Natalie E. Tripp ; Jeanne M. Zanca ; Trevor A. Dyson-Hudson ; Steven Kirshblum ; Allen W. Heinemann ; David Chen ; Elizabeth Roy Felix ; Lynn Worobey ; Mary Schmidt-Read ; Ralph J. Marino ; Matthew J. Hayat |Objective To characterize the qualities that individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) associate with their experience of spasticity and to describe the relationship between spasticity and perceived quality of life and the perceived value of sp[...]Article
Objective To report on the development and calibration of the new Blood Pressure Dysregulation Measurement System (BPD-MS) item banks that assess the effect of BPD on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and the daily activities of Veterans an[...]