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The approach to treatment of severe untreated or recurrent congenital talipes equinovarus deformities is very different in the world where patients are mobile, have access to repeated return visits for follow-up treatment, and where more sophist[...]Article
Clubfoot or talipes equinovarus deformity is one of the most common anomalies affecting the lower extremities. This review provides an update on the outcomes of various treatment options used to correct clubfoot. The ultimate goal in the treatme[...]Article
Clubfoot is a 4-dimensional condition: time influences both the severity of the deformity and the success of treatment. The Ponseti method was designed for infants; however, it also should be considered alongside alternative strategies for[...]Article
T. Leemrijse ; Jean-Luc Besse ; Bernhard Devos Bevernage ; B. Valtin | Issy-les-Moulineaux : Elsevier Masson | 2015Issue du travail collectif d'auteurs en majorité européens, tous leaders dans leur spécialité, cette nouvelle édition rassemble toutes les données actualisées sur la pathologie du pied et de la cheville.Les pathologies du pied sont très fréquent[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
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Marine Goossens ; Aurélien Dodion, Promoteur | Woluwe-Saint-Lambert : Haute École Léonard de Vinci | 2022Introduction: Le pied bot varus équin (PBVE) est une malformation congénitale fort répandue dans le monde. La méthode Ponseti conservatrice a montré son efficacité pour les PBVE des nouveau-nés. Elle doit encore être prouvée pour le PBVE[...]Article
Barbara Chan ; Marianne Salib ; Florence Faggianelli ; Philippe Marque ; Camille Cormier ; David Gasq |Objective To report on preoperative outcomes that guide the choice of surgical techniques to correct equinovarus foot in adults with brain injury. Methods Four databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, Cochrane, PEDro) were searched according to the PRISMA gu[...]Article
Clubfoot overcorrection can develop gradually over years and is characterized in school age by hindfoot valgus position due to excessive rigid peritalar eversion, sometimes accompanied by supramalleolar valgus malalignment. Surgical treatment is[...]Article
Choosing a treatment strategy depends on the age of the patient, the severity and rigidity of the deformity, and its previous treatment. In less-severe neglected clubfoot cases, the Ponseti method can lead to a complete correction of the defo[...]Article
Despite the widespread use of the Ponseti method high rates of clubfoot recurrence are still reported. There is little consensus on treatment of recurrence, which ranges from neglect to open joint surgery. This review reflects the literatur[...]