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The adult acquired flatfoot (AAF), secondary to posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD) poses a significant challenge to not only the patient, but also the treating clinician. Despite there being more than 350 articles published in the medica[...]Article
Medial ankle instability is mainly a clinical diagnosis. In an acute injury, tenderness, ecchymosis, and swelling over the deltoid ligament have relatively poor sensitivity. In a chronic condition, pain on palpation at anteromedial edge and[...]Article
Ryan T. Scott ; Michael D. Dujela ; Jason George DeVries ; Christopher F. Hyer ; Travis Langan ; Mark A. Prissel ; Bryan Van Dyke |The correction of the deformed arthritic foot and ankle is a complicated and somewhat controversial topic. After conservative methods fail, there is a wide range of possible bony procedures and arthrodesis that maybe performed. The appropriate w[...]Article
Peritalar instability has been demonstrated to be a risk factor for the progression of osteoarthritic processes. Multiple imaging modalities have been used to detect this condition. Under physiologic loading, the existing deformity does inc[...]Article
Progressive collapsing foot deformity is a complex spectrum of disease that can be clinically and technically challenging to evaluate and treat. Successful treatment begins with appropriate staging and picking the surgical techniques necessary t[...]Article
Jason George DeVries ; William T. DeCarbo ; Ryan T. Scott ; Brad Bussewitz ; Mitchell Thompson ; Christopher F. Hyer |Flexible PPV deformity is a complicated topic. It requires the surgeon to not only fully recognize and address all levels of deformity and pathology, but then also operate with efficiency to complete all aspects of the reconstruction in one sett[...]Article
Motif de consultation fréquemment rencontré en cabinet et notamment en podologie du sport, la tendinopathie du muscle tibial postérieur est une atteinte dont les différents traitements connus sont efficaces et aboutissent à la guérison du patien[...]