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Purpose This study investigates the acute effects of Graston and myofascial release on thoracolumbar fascia (TLF) on lumbar range of motion (ROM), lumbar and cervical proprioception, and trunk muscle endurance in healthy young adults. Method Twe[...]Travail de fin d'études
Martin Toulmonde, Auteur ; Philippe Decleve, Promoteur | Woluwe-Saint-Lambert : Haute École Léonard de Vinci | 2021Lépaule dominante des joueurs de volleyball est caractérisée par une perte damplitude de rotation interne (GIRD), un potentiel gain de rotation externe, un arc total de rotation inchangé et une rétroversion humérale plus prononcée. Ces adaptat[...]Travail de fin d'études
Contexte : les blessures à lépaule dans les sports de lancer sont courantes. Un recueil des amplitudes en rotation et de la force isométrique des rotateurs de la gléno-humérale pourrait être utilisé dans le cadre du dépistage préventif et de [...]Travail de fin d'études
Kelly Villanueva ; Philippe Decleve, Promoteur | Woluwe-Saint-Lambert : Haute École Léonard de Vinci | 2024Introduction : L'accès à des données normatives est essentiel pour guider les thérapeutes dans laccompagnement des patients. Cette étude expérimentale vise à recueillir les amplitudes de rotation d'épaule chez des joueurs de padel afin détab[...]Article
Background: Previous research suggests that multisensory body illusions that alter the conscious bodily experience can modulate pain in osteoarthritis, which may be a result of modifying cortical misrepresentations of the painful body part. How[...]Article
Objective To determine whether recreational and amateur handball players exhibit Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit (GIRD), and if it is accompanied by posterior stiffness and changes in shoulder rotators strength. Design Cross-Sectio[...]Article
Objective To analyze the concurrent validity and reliability of an iPhone application for assessing range of motion (ROM) and joint position sense (JPS) in ankle and knee joints. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Sport laboratory.[...]Article
Introduction Following total knee arthroplasty surgery, attention should be paid to post-operative knee range of motion to achieve daily activities. Goniometer assessment is widely used to assess the range of motion in the post-operative period.[...]Article
Objective To assess the convergent validity and reliability of joint angle measurements from a new video goniometer iPhone/iPad application separately in adults, older and young children. Design Cross-sectional. Setting Child care and[...]Article
Study design: Prospective Cohort Study. Background: Few investigations utilize evidence-informed pre-participation evaluation, inclusive injury definitions, and prospective surveillance to identify risk factors for dance-related injuries. Obje[...]Article
John Fournier ; Guy Trudel ; Robert J. Feibel ; Hans Uhthoff ; Dennis McGonagle ; T. Mark Campbell |Objective To evaluate whether knee flexion contracture (FC) was associated with leg length inequality (LLI) and/or morbidity in knee osteoarthritis (OA). Design We accessed 2 databases: (1) the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) cohort, including p[...]Travail de fin d'études
Nicolae Cosmir, Auteur ; Mickaël Cardinal, Promoteur | Woluwe-Saint-Lambert : Haute École Léonard de Vinci | 2021OBJECTIF : Investiguer si une modulation de la perception à létirement est induite lors dun massage à laide dun rouleau de massage dur et si celle-ci est concomitante avec un gain de lamplitude de mouvement en flexion dorsale de la cheville[...]Article
Back foot influence on dorsiflexion using three different positions of the weight bearing lunge test
Objectives To determine whether back foot (BF) position influences dorsiflexion range of motion (DFROM) during three different positions of the weight bearing lunge test (WBLT). Design Randomised, repeated measures design. Setting [...]Test, jeux et matériel pédagogique
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Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité EVAL0013P Test, jeu, matériel pédagogique Woluwe Tests/jeux Prêt autorisé
Objective This study aims to analyse the effect of an intervention with belly dance or mat Pilates on range of motion, self-esteem and depressive symptoms in women with breast cancer receiving hormone therapy. Method A randomized clinical trial [...]Article
Reza Salehi ; Omid Rasouli ; Maryam Saadat ; Mohammad Mehravar ; Hossein Negahban ; Mohammad Jafar Shaterzadeh-Yazdi |Background Several studies have investigated cervical kinematic performance in patients with chronic neck pain, especially with fast movements. A recent systematic review recommended further study of cervical spine kinematics cervical motions[...]Article
Roxanne van den Berg ; Alessandro Chiarotto ; Wendy T. Enthoven ; Evelien de Schepper ; Edwin H.G. Oei ; Bart W. Koes ; Sita M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra |Background Patients with back pain can show one or more features of spinal osteoarthritis (OA), such as morning stiffness, limited or painful range of motion (ROM), and lumbar disc degeneration (LDD). However, it has not been investigated whethe[...]Article
Thamyla Rocha Albano ; Edson Bruno Vidal Sousa ; Ana Lídia Maia Silva ; Márcio Almeida Bezerra ; Rodrigo Ribeiro de Oliveira ; Gabriel Peixoto Leão Almeida ; Pedro Olavo de Paula Lima |Introduction The knee extension prone test (KEPT) can be a low-cost and affordable alternative for this assess knee hyperextension deficit. Objective To analyze concurrent validity and reliability of a new method for assessing knee extensio[...]Article
Background Many fascial therapies have been demonstrated to positively affect the range of motion, pain sensitivity, balance, daily functioning, and participation in social activities. Among these therapies, myofascial release has been extensive[...]Article
Introduction/purpose Literature consistently identifies two key examination components when managing ankle/foot pathologies: 1) dorsiflexion range of motion (DFROM) and 2) single limb balance. Mobilizations with movement (MWM) and Instrument-Ass[...]Article
Background Maitland and Mulligan mobilization techniques are two manual therapy methods to increase the range of motion following immobility treatment. The present study was conducted to compare two therapeutic methods, namely mobilization and m[...]Article
Objective To determine differences in shoulder range of motion, strength, and upper quarter dynamic balance between collegiate overhead athletes with and without a history of a shoulder injury. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting At[...]Article
Xia Yang ; Guo-hong Li ; Hui-jie Wang |Objective To evaluate the efficacy of continuous passive motion (CPM) after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and whether the use of CPM is related to improved clinical and functional outcomes. Data Sources A systematic MEDLINE search via Web[...]Travail de fin d'études
Background: Overhead athletes are exposed to shoulder injuries, and both glenohumeral range of motion (GH ROM) deficit and rotator cuff (RC) weakness are risk factors for shoulder injuries. The self-assessment corner (SAC), is an innovative me[...]Article
Wataru Fukuda ; Wataru Fukuda ; Kenji Kawamura ; Shigeki Yokoyama ; Yusuke Kataoka ; Yutaro Ikeno ; Nobuhiro Chikaishi ; Noriyuki Gomi |Background Single leg squat (SLS) tests help predict anterior cruciate ligament injuries. However, the variability in joint movement during this test has not been fully investigated. The aim of this study was to examine the knee frontal plane mo[...]Article
L.P. Oliveira ; P.R.P. Santiago ; J.P.V. Manechini ; L.H.P. Vieira ; R. Aquino ; C.A. Kalva-Filho ; V.L. Andrade ; E.F. Puggina |Objectifs Le but de cette étude était de comparer les effets aigus de différentes méthodes détirement sur la force maximale et la réponse neuromusculaire chez les jeunes joueurs de football. Matériels et méthodes Douze joueurs (17,7±0,9ans[...]Article
Marloes Thoomes-de Graaf ; Erik Thoomes ; Deborah Falla ; César Fernández-de-las-Peñas ; François Maissan ; Joshua A. Cleland |Background: Measurement of cervical range of motion (ROM) is recommended when physically examining people with neck pain. However, little is known about the clinician's perception of normal versus restricted movement. Additionally, it is unkn[...]Article
Objectives: This review evaluated the efficacy and safety of western dry cupping methods for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain and reduced range of motion. Methods: A systematic literature search was performed until April 2018 for randomi[...]Article
Objectives To test the effect of adding neural mobilization (NM) versus myofascial release (MFR) to stabilization exercises (SE) on disability, pain, and lumbar range of motion (ROM) in patients with lumbar spine fusion (LSF). Design A sing[...]Article
Objective This study investigated and compared the efficacy of dextrose phonophoresis and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) on pain, range of motion (ROM) and function in patients with Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD). Methods 45 patient[...]Article
Fabiola Unbehaun Cibinello ; Jessica Caroliny de Jesus Neves ; Mônica Yosino Leão Carvalho ; Paola Janeiro Valenciano ; Dirce Shizuko Fujisawa |Objective: To investigate the effects of an exercise program, based on the Pilates Matwork method, on posterior chain flexibility and trunk mobility in healthy school age children. Design and setting: The study was a parallel-group randomized[...]Article
Luis Ceballos-Laita ; Sandra Jiménez-del-Barrio ; Javier Marín-Zurdo ; Alejandro Moreno-Calvo ; Javier Marín-Boné ; María Isabel Albarova-Corral ; Elena Estébanez-de-Miguel |Background : Dry needling (DN) in active myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) is effective to reduce pain, increase range of motion (ROM) and improve physical function in different musculoskeletal disorders. However, there is a lack of studies eval[...]Article
Rachel Bynum ; Olivia Garcia ; Emily Herbst ; Mary Kossa ; Katrina Liou ; April Cowan ; Claudia Hilton |Importance: This systematic review summarizes existing studies on dry needling for spasticity and range of motion (ROM) and discusses its potential for use as an occupational therapy intervention. Objective: To examine existing studies on the [...]Article
Isidro Fernández-López ; David Peña-Otero ; María de los Ángeles Atín-Arratibel ; Maria Eguillor-Mutiloa |Objectives To analyze the effects at the musculoskeletal level of manual treatment of the diaphragm muscle in adults. Data Sources Systematic review using 4 databases: PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science, and Scopus. Study Selection a[...]Article
Introduction Osteoarthritis is the most common synovial joint disease and is characterized by progressive destruction of the articular cartilage. This study aimed to compare the effect of Pilates and suspension training in patients with knee Ost[...]Article
Taizan Fukaya ; Shigeru Sato ; Kaoru Yahata ; Riku Yoshida ; Kosuke Takeuchi ; Masatoshi Nakamura ; Masatoshi Nakamura |Background No review has yet investigated acute and chronic effects of different stretching intensities, including constant-angle (CA) and constant-torque (CT) stretching. Objective This review aimed to investigate the acute and chronic effects [...]Travail de fin d'études
Contexte : les blessures aux ischio-jambiers sont celles possédant la prévalence la plus élevée des lésions musculaires sans contact dans les sports impliquant le sprint et les changements de direction. De nombreux athlètes de haut niveau util[...]Travail de fin d'études
Lutilisation du Foam Roller est de plus en plus popularisée dans le monde du sport professionnel, mais aussi chez les plus amateurs dentre eux et pourrait très bien se voir, dans un futur plus ou moins proche, chez monsieur et madame tout le [...]Article
Pour les patients ayant subi une chirurgie de prothèse totale du genou (PTG), comparé à une revalidation à domicile en autonomie avec 3 visites de contrôle, cet essai clinique randomisé pour lequel la méthodologie nest pas clairement compréhens[...]Travail de fin d'études
Sarah Levavasseur ; Inès Yahya Jdidi ; Marie Gilot, Promoteur | Woluwe-Saint-Lambert : Haute École Léonard de Vinci | 2022Contexte : 80% de la population souffrira un jour de lombalgiesdont85% seront des lombalgies non-spécifiques. Ce type de pathologie ne présente pas de prise en charge spécifique. Ainsi, on retrouve un grand nombre [...]Travail de fin d'études
Elisa Naudenot ; Mickaël Cardinal, Promoteur | Woluwe-Saint-Lambert : Haute École Léonard de Vinci | 2022Contexte: De nos jours, les céphalées cervicogènes (CCG)sont bien moins étudiées que les autres types de maux de tête. Cependant, de nombreuses personnes souffrent de cette pathologie qui peut causer des douleurs fréquentes et à long[...]Article
Introduction Observations show that foam rolling improves joint movements. Likewise, it can be stated that a vibration stimulation of the tissue leads to improved joint mobility. Method This study investigates whether the combination of foam [...]Article
Carrie A. Rowlett ; William J. Hanney ; Patrick S. Pabian ; Jordon H. McArthur ; Carrey E. Rothschild ; Morey J. Kolber |Objectives: To determine the efficacy of IASTM of the gastrocnemius-soleus complex in comparison to a traditional stretching intervention on dorsiflexion ROM. Methods: Sixty healthy participants were randomly allocated to one of 3 groups: IASTM[...]Article
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection on range of motion, pain, and disability in patients with adhesive capsulitis (AC). Data Sources The authors performed the literature search in the PubMed, [...]Article
Objective To investigate the immediate effect of an adductor longus tenotomy on the results of the bent knee fall out test, and whether there was a correlation between pre-tenotomy measures and the magnitude of change. Design Observationa[...]Article
Objectif Plusieurs études ont montré que la force musculaire se réduisait immédiatement après un étirement statique (ES). Bien quun exercice supplémentaire soit recommandé quand un ES est pratiqué pendant un échauffement, le niveau dintensité[...]Livre
Isabelle Delbarre Grossemy ; Dominique Audemer, Préfacier, etc. | Issy-les-Moulineaux : Elsevier Masson | 2008La goniométrie est l'étude des amplitudes articulaires, à la base de nombreux bilans kinésithérapiques de l'appareil locomoteur. Après une présentation des différents outils utilisés (goniomètre à deux branches, inclinomètre, mesure centimétriqu[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 631.3 DELG Livre Woluwe Espace livres Prêt autorisé
Jenny M. Nordqvist ; Birgitta E. Öberg ; Lars E. Adolfsson ; Theresa M. Holmgren ; Kajsa M. Johansson |Objective The primary aim was to describe the variability within clinical presentation of patients with subacromial pain in primary care, secondly to investigate associations between clinical presentation and self-reported pain intensity, sho[...]Article
Karen Marina Alves Diniz ; Karen Marina Alves Diniz ; Renan Alves Resende ; Rodrigo de Oliveira Mascarenhas ; Hytalo de Jesus Silva ; Renato Guilherme Trede Filho ; Luciana De Michelis Mendonça |Introduction Single-leg squat (SLS) is a test commonly used to assess lower limb function in rehabilitation. Increased hip adduction and internal rotation (IR) is associated with dynamic knee valgus, which is related to hip and knee overload. Pr[...]Article
Gabriel Augusto Elesbão Bernardes Sbardelotto ; Nícolas Kickhofel Weisshahn ; Inaihá Laureano Benincá ; Daniela de Estéfani ; Kelly Mônica Marinho e Lima ; Alessandro Haupenthal ; Alessandro Haupenthal |Background Although lumbar mobilization (LM) and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) are used to increase flexibility in clinical practice, remains unclear which technic is the most effective. This study aims to verify and compare th[...]Article
Danielle Cristine Carvalho Muniz e Silva ; Dângelo José de Andrade Alexandre ; Júlio Guilherme Silva |Objectives: The role of a myofascial release (MFR) on flexion contractures after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has not yet been elucidated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine its immediate effect on such patients. Methods: In[...]Article
Daniel Martínez-Lema ; Francisco Guede-Rojas ; Karen González-Fernández ; Adolfo Soto-Martínez ; Leonardo Lagos-Hausheer ; César Vergara-Ríos ; Héctor Márquez-Mayorga ; Carlos S. Mancilla |Background Currently, greater background is required about the effectiveness of myofascial release (MFR) on muscle flexibility. Objective Our goal was to determine the immediate effect of a direct MFR technique on hip and cervical flexibility[...]Article
Luis Espejo-Antúnez ; Maria Carracedo-Rodríguez ; Fernando Ribeiro ; João Venâncio ; Blanca De la Cruz-Torres ; Manuel Albornoz-Cabello |Objective: To assess the immediate and mid-term (after 7 days) effects of electric current combined with simultaneous muscle stretching (EME technique) per comparison to the isolated use of the same current (without applying simultaneous muscle [...]Article
Luanna Honorato Diniz ; Edneia Corrêa de Mello ; Mariane Fernandes Ribeiro ; Janaine Brandão Lage ; Domingos Emanuel Bevilacqua Júnior ; Alex Abadio Ferreira ; Mara Lúcia da Fonseca Ferraz ; Rodrigo César Rosa ; Vicente de Paula Antunes Teixeira ; Ana Paula Espindula |Introduction: The decrease in functional ability, strength, balance, flexibility, agility, and coordination owing to neurological and muscular changes is one of the characteristic features of the human aging process. Hippotherapy has been highl[...]Article
Brigitte Preneuf-Pauthier ; Virginie Redon ; Noémie Marchat ; Jean Toniolo ; Vincent Rousseau ; Valérie Delaide ; Sylvie Dallière ; Agnès Bergeron ; Benoit Marin ; Pascale Beloni |Introduction Ldème postopératoire après arthroplastie totale de genou freine la récupération articulaire. Lobjectif de cet essai était dévaluer lefficacité dune technique de massage par stimulation manuelle veino-lymphatique durant la pre[...]Article
Background Cricket is one of the prominent global team sports. With an emergence of Twenty20 tournaments, the physical preparation of elite cricket players has become complex with high match injury incidence. Yoga as a body-mind training is asso[...]Article
Importance: People with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) develop impaired oral function because of reduced temporomandibular joint range ofmotion (ROM), which affects feeding and oral hygiene activities of dail[...]Article
Background Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a new technique that has been known to be effective in reducing muscle tightness in athletics. However, little is known about its effect on the range of motion, muscle power, an[...]Article
Introduction Shoulder adhesive capsulitis is a common pathology in middle aged population, physical therapy being the mainstay treatment for it. Various conventional treatment modalities have been proven to help in this condition. Instrument As[...]Article
Objectives To investigate the interaction of ankle-foot complex and hip joint factors with Achilles Tendinopathy (AT) occurrence in recreational runners. Design Cross-sectional. Setting Research Laboratory. Participants 51 run[...]Article
Nathan Short ; Thomas Almonreoder ; Michelle Mays ; Abigail Baist ; Tony Clifton ; Adam Horty ; Micaela Kosty ; Courtney Olson ; Riddhi N. Patel |Importance: Scapular protraction and retraction are often essential for occupational performance; however, clinical assessment of these movements is uniquely challenging. Objective: To analyze the interrater reliability of a novel goniometric me[...]Article
Carolina Holz Nonnenmacher ; Daniela de Estéfani ; Inaihá Laureano Benincá ; Maiara Petri da Silveira ; Guilherme S. Nunes ; Alessandro Haupenthal |Introduction Photogrammetry represents an advancement in the flexibility evaluation, and although it was highly explored for postural assessment, there is a scarcity of studies analyzing lower limb angular measurements using it. The purpose of t[...]Article
Background: While some studies of the asymmetry of lower limbs in individuals with idiopathic scoliosis exist, there is a need for multidirectional studies conducted on hip joint range of motion and its relationship to curve patterns in idiopath[...]Article
Leslie L. Nicholson ; Marnee J. McKay ; Jennifer N. Baldwin ; Joshua Burns ; Winky Cheung ; Sally Yip ; Cliffton Chan |Objectives The primary aim was to determine the association between sagittal cervical mobility and the presence and extent of GJH across the lifespan. Secondary aims were to determine which features explain variability in cervical range of mo[...]Article
Objective Study whether male adult judokas with and without low back pain (LBP) have different hip-spine flexibility. Design Cross-sectional. Setting Judo training centres. Participants Judokas with (n = 29) and without (n =[...]Travail de fin d'études
Contexte : Les lombalgies chroniques non-spécifiques sont une des pathologies les plus récurrentes et invalidantes qui surviennent chez lHomme. Toutefois, aucun traitement na à ce jour permis une guérison rapide et efficace de celle-ci. De n[...]Article
Objective Patients at risk of developing knee osteoarthritis (OA) or those already diagnosed with knee OA may present with a knee flexion contracture (FC). A knee FC can cause pain and can decrease function. By altering lower extremity biomecha[...]Article
Aim: An observational cohort study to determine whether localised manual therapy results in a preferential increase in mobility of the targeted motion segment. Method: Eighteen participants with mechanical neck pain had three MRIs of their cervi[...]Article
Julio Cesar de Oliveira Muniz Cunha ; Estêvão Rios Monteiro ; David G. Behm ; Victor Gonçalves Corrêa Neto ; Michelle de Souza Ribeiro ; Christiano Bittencourt Machado ; Giovanni da Silva Novaes ; Rhodes Serra ; Jeferson Macedo Vianna ; Jefferson da Silva Novaes |The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of myofascial release and muscle energy on acute outcomes in trunk extensors active range-of-motion and strength in recreationally resistance-trained women. Seventeen apparently healthy women [...]Article
Objectives Different angles and positions may influence the reliability and validity of hip strength dynamometry. This study examined the reliability and validity of hip strength measured with belt-stabilized handheld dynamometry (HHD) compar[...]Livre
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Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 631.3 POIM Livre Woluwe Espace livres Prêt autorisé
Context: Goniometry and posture are commonly used metrics in clinical assessment of the shoulder and spine. When both the shoulder and spine are assessed individually using these techniques, there are structural and functional musculoskeletal r[...]Article
Neetu Rani Dhiman ; Neetu Rani Dhiman ; Bismay Das ; C. Mohanty ; O.P. Singh ; Vyom Gyanpuri ; Dharma Raj |Objective Our review is aimed to find out the efficacy of Myofascial Release Technique (MFRT) based on the Randomised Controlled Trials, on flexibility when given along superficial back line (SBL) structures and to compare it with other soft tis[...]Article
Daniel Barreto Rabelo ; Ana Paula Coelho Figueira Freire ; Fernanda Colen Milagres Brandão ; Sabrina Oliveira Melo ; Juliana M. Ocarino ; Marco Tulio Saldanha dos Anjos ; Robert Schleip ; Thales R. Souza ; Guy Simoneau ; Rafael Zambelli Pinto |Background Assessment of myofascial tissue stiffness have a role in identifying physical impairments in plantar fasciopathy (PF). It is still unclear which specific functional and tissue differences exist between individuals with PF. Aim To comp[...]Article
Tom P.A. Beddows ; Pim van Klij ; Rintje Agricola ; Igor J.R. Tak ; Tom Piscaer ; Jan A.N. Verhaar ; Adam Weir |Objectives To determine normal values for hip strength and range of motion (ROM) of elite, sub-elite and amateur male field hockey players and to examine the effect of age, leg dominance, playing position, playing level and non-time-loss groi[...]Article
Marloes Thoomes-de Graaf ; Erik Thoomes ; César Fernández-de-las-Peñas ; Gustavo Plaza-Manzano ; Joshua A. Cleland |Study design: Systematic review. Objective: To synthesize studies reporting normative values of active cervical range of motion (ROM) in healthy children and adults. Summary of background data: Evaluating active cervical ROM is part of rout[...]Article
Background The visual accuracy of physiotherapists to detect changes in dynamic joint angles is currently unknown. Objective To investigate (i) the smallest detectable change in movement that physiotherapists could visually observe, and (ii) whe[...]Article
This article describes the intervention for improvement of the limitation of range of ankle dorsiflexion. The limitation of range of ankle dorsiflexion has close relation to an ankle motion axis displacement. And its displacement is related to a[...]Article
Ana Carolline Pinto Souza ; Lidiane da Silva Barbosa ; Sheila da Cruz Nascimento Cruz ; Ludmilla dos Santos Lins Souza ; André Raimundo França Guimarães ; Matheus Souza de Jesus ; André Luiz Lisboa Cordeiro |Introduction Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) can compromise pulmonary function and range of motion (ROM) of the shoulder and knee joints due to median sternotomy and saphenectomy, the Pilates method being a strategy for reducing loss. Obj[...]Article
Alejandra Aguilera-Godoy ; Alejandra Aguilera-Godoy ; Marcela Andrea Antúnez-Riveros ; Gabriel Carrasco-Penna ; Rodrigo Núñez-Cortés |Introduction Distal radius fractures (DRFs) are associated with a high economic burden and an impact on quality of life on these patients. Its high prevalence demonstrates the importance of registering functional results, with emphasis on vulner[...]Article
Fatma Chaari ; Haithem Rebai ; Sébastien Boyas ; Abderrahmane Rahmani ; Thouraya Fendri ; Mohammed A. Harrabi ; Sonia Sahli |Objective To compare postural balance outcomes between soccer players with and without groin pain (GP). Design Case-control study. Setting Laboratory. Participants Fifty-four soccer players, 27 with GP (GP group: GPG) and 27[...]Travail de fin d'études
Clément Lemonnier, Auteur ; Cécile Jamart, Promoteur | Woluwe-Saint-Lambert : Haute École Léonard de Vinci | 2021Contexte : La lombalgie chronique non spécifique (NCLBP) est le premier trouble musculo-squelettique. Cependant, aucun traitement ne permet une guérison rapide et efficace. Que cela soit des traitements invasifs (comme les injections) ou encore [...]Article
Cette étude contrôlée et randomisée, présentant quelques limites méthodologiques, montre que le suivi dun programme de rééducation suite à une arthroplastie inversée de lépaule peut être réalisé autant en autonomie à domicile quen ambulatoire[...]Travail de fin d'études
Juliette Hirtz ; Stéphane Pflieger, Promoteur | Woluwe-Saint-Lambert : Haute École Léonard de Vinci | 2024Contexte : La capsulite rétractile affecte 2 à 5 % de la population, principalement entre 40 et 70 ans. Cette pathologie, dapparition spontanée et détiologie inconnue, se caractérise par une douleur significative et une perte progressive d[...]Article
Introduction The stretching intervention of the current study was applied from several principles and the latest updated method of slowed and synchronized patterns between self-stretching with mindful breathing (MB) and eyes closed period before[...]Article
Andrea Hams ; Kerrie Evans ; Roger Adams ; et al. |Objective To determine whether pre-season shoulder ROM and strength can be used to identify athletes at risk of future shoulder injury. Design Prospective cohort. Setting High performance sports institute. Participants 76 su[...]Article
Megan Dao ; Hadley Mosby ; Emma Westphalen ; Andrew A. Post ; Jason M. Wilken ; Cesar de Cesar Netto ; Mederic M. Hall ; Jessica Danielson ; Kathleen A. Sluka ; Ruth L. Chimenti |Objectives To determine the inter-rater reliability and criterion validity of two-dimensional (2D) measures of ankle function in the sagittal plane for participants with Achilles tendinopathy (AT). Design Cohort study. Setting University Laborat[...]Article
Introduction Movement compensations during internal rotation of the shoulder can provoke pain. Reliably observing and measuring compensations in the shoulder using visual and palpatory methods can result in more efficacious treatments of shoulde[...]Article
Introduction Scapular dyskinesis (SD) is associated with an increased risk of throwing-related shoulder injury onset, resulting in abnormalities in glenohumeral joint (GH) and scapular motions during pitching. The effects of SD on shoulder motio[...]Article
Eng Chuan Neoh ; Matthew Rong Jie Tay ; Jaclyn Tan ; Joshua Tan ; Ying Tong Lim ; Acharyya Sanchalika ; Ling Fong Chong ; Kelvin Guoping Tan |Objective To investigate the short-term outcomes at discharge of patients who receive additional postoperative rehabilitative exercises by peer volunteers after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Design Retrospective cohort study. Setting [...]Article
Importance: Evidence has demonstrated that shoulder pain constitutes a functional impairment for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). No studies have yet examined the efficacy of scapular mobilization of the painful shoulder among [...]Article
Introduction: Smartphone app-based goniometer (SG) are emerging as an alternative to Universal Goniometers (UG) in assessing joint range of motion (ROM). This study examined whether the experience level of examiner affected the reliability of a[...]Article
Objective: To conduct a systematic review with meta-analysis assessing the effects of foam rolling on range of motion, laboratory- and field-based athletic measures, and on recovery. Data sources: MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, SPORTDiscus and Scie[...]Article
Objectives: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the between-session test-retest variability in the characteristics of envelope following responses (EFRs) evoked by modified natural speech stimuli in young normal hearing adults. [...]Article
Akane Yoshimura ; Yuta Sekine ; Robert Schleip ; Atsuya Furusyo ; Kazuya Yamazaki ; Mitsuyoshi Murayama ; Norikazu Hirose |Introduction: Maintaining flexibility, often defined as range of motion (ROM), is important. Recently, self-massage using a foam roller (FR) has been used in clinical and/or sports settings to effectively and immediately improve ROM. Many studie[...]Article
Background Shoulder pain commonly has a detrimental impact on patient's work and social activities. Although pain is the most common reason for seeking care, a reduction in shoulder range of motion (ROM) is another common impairment. ROM assessm[...]Article
Objectives To determine the effects of ankle Kinesio-taping (KT) on postural sway, lower limb ROM, and muscle activity during a unilateral balance tasks. Design Case control study design. Setting Data were collected at the human m[...]Article
Objective This study aimed to compare the effect of different density foam rollers on range of motion recovery. Method Ten active men completed two, 3-day trials in random order. During the experimental trials, all participants performed 2 mi[...]Article
Purpose To determine the effect of a 7-week Hatha yoga intervention on hamstrings flexibility using a digital goniometer. It was hypothesized that hamstring flexibility will increase in a young healthy adult population. Methods Thirty-one colleg[...]Article
Valentin C. Dones III ; Jocel M. Regino ; Nicole Trizia S. Esplana ; Ivan Rafael V. Rivera ; Melissa Kaye R. Tomas |Background: Trapezius Myalgia (TM) is characterized by shoulder pain and dysfunction. Kinesio Taping is commonly used in symptom management of TM. Biomechanical Taping (BMT), a novel intervention, may provide equally effective management. Obje[...]Article
Akane Yoshimura ; Yuta Sekine ; Atsuya Furusho ; Kazuya Yamazaki ; Norikazu Hirose ; Norikazu Hirose |Introduction Self-massage using a foam roller (foam rolling) has been used to improve joint range of motion (ROM). However, the effect of foam rolling on the morphology of a targeted muscle, tendon, and muscle-tendon unit (MTU) has not been full[...]Article
Rob Grieve ; Brendan Byrne ; Charlie Clements ; Laura-Jayne Davies ; Edward Durrant ; Oliver Kitchen |Background Reduced ankle dorsiflexion is associated with lower limb injury and dysfunction, with static stretching mostly used to increase ankle range of motion. Foam rolling is an alternative intervention, shown to immediately increase ankle ra[...]Article
Luiza Vieira Santos e Santos ; Juliana Netto Maia ; Cinthia Rodrigues de Vasconcelos ; Danielly Lima de Andrade ; Esdras Marques Lins ; Cristine Schmidt ; Maria do Amparo Andrade |Purpose To investigate the connection between the clinical severity of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and the biomechanics of the calf muscle pump (CMP). Material and methods Through a cross-sectional observational study, we analyzed women o[...]Article
Background Restricted shoulder fascia displacement may be an etiological factor for myofascial pain syndrome. A diagnostic ultrasound video can follow deep fascia displacement during active cervical movements. Trackers can be applied to video[...]Article
Anne-Marie Provencher ; Élizabeth Giguère-Lemieux ; Émilie Croteau ; Stephanie-May Ruchat ; Laurie-Ann Corbin-Berrigan |The aim of this study was to provide a systematic review on the applicability of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) in improving edema and clinical presentation postmusculoskeletal injuries. A review of the literature was performed in CINAHL, MANTI[...]Article
Mariana Borges ; Mariana Borges ; Anelize Cini ; Francesca Chaida Sonda ; Emmanuel Souza da Rocha ; Cassiele Janina Felappi ; Marco Aurélio Vaz ; Cláudia Silveira Lima |Objective To verify the effect of 10-min static stretching on the triceps surae mechanical properties. Design: Quasi-experimental one-group pre test-post test study compared the time points of before, after, and minute by minute of one session o[...]