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Objective The main objective is to investigate the diagnostic accuracy and the relation of touch sensation and subjective sensory symptoms in the medial aspect of the hand dorsum, and neurography of the dorsal ulnar cutaneous nerve (DUCN) in [...]Article
Introduction: Radial nerve injury, often caused by humeral fractures, can disrupt mobility and functionality of the arm. Physiotherapy focused on function recovery are an essential component of radial nerve injury treatment. Graphomotricity has [...]Article
Introduction Lateral epicondylitis (LE) is a common ailment causing pain and functional limitations. There is an inadequate understanding of its etiopathogenesis. Involvement of the radial nerve (RN) as the primary causative factor for this cond[...]Article
Chelsea M. Lohman Bonfiglio ; Kerry K. Gilbert ; Jean-Michel Brismée ; Stéphane Sobczak ; Krista M. Hixson ; C. R. James ; Phillip J. Gilbert |Background: Clinical research supports a combination of upper limb neurodynamic testing (ULNT) strategies to rule out upper limb and cervical neurogenic pathology; however, knowledge of the biomechanical response of spinal nerves during ULNT is[...]