Descripteurs (mots-clés)
Kimberly Ennis ; Kimberly Ennis ; Phillip S. Sizer ; Elizabeth Sargent ; Jean-Michel Brismée ; Alex Drusch ; Jeegisha Kapila ; Troy L. Hooper |Objective This study examined the effects of abdominal bracing maneuver (ABM) performance on stable and unstable surfaces on active forward reach (AFR) distance as a measure of trunk control, measuring changes in reach distance and muscle activa[...]Article
Marcelo Peduzzi de Castro ; Marcelo Peduzzi de Castro ; Heiliane de Brito Fontana ; Marina Costa Fóes ; Gilmar Moraes Santos ; Caroline Ruschel ; Helio Roesler |Background Hip internal and external rotation exercises are usually performed in clinical practice. However, given the synergies required to stabilize the hip in the frontal plane, it is not clear how the activation of target muscles will differ[...]Article
Tamires Cristina Campos de Almeida ; Tamires Cristina Campos de Almeida ; Vanessa Paes ; Maurício Soares ; Guilherme de Freitas Fonseca ; Maicom Lima ; Júlio Guilherme Silva |Objectives To evaluate the effect of Miofascial Release (MFR) on knee extensors strength, at different duration times of application. Method 51 healthy individuals were randomly assigned to one of three groups (3min, 5min or placebo) in this ran[...]Article
Sarah Bohunicky ; Sarah Bohunicky ; Zachariah J. Henderson ; Nathaniel Simon ; Mark Dacanay ; Trisha D. Scribbans |Introduction Shoulder pain increases excitation of the upper trapezius (UT) and reduces excitation in the lower trapezius (LT). Despite inconclusive evidence, kinesio-tape (KT) is often used to modify muscular excitation within the UT and/or LT [...]Article
Introduction Cold spray is a form of cryotherapy used in acute injuries at sports medicine. In the current study, we aimed to investigate the acute effect of cold spray application as a treatment strategy for acute sports injuries on the mechani[...]Article
Euler Alves Cardoso ; Martim F. Bottaro ; Valdinar Rocha Júnior ; Adailson Fernandes ; Paulo Gentil ; Daniel McManus Pimentel ; Silvio Assis Oliveira Júnior ; Rodrigo Luiz Carregaro |Introduction The agonist-antagonist paired-sets (APS) is a resistance training that involves alternating between exercises for agonist/antagonist muscles of a joint, with little or no rest between then. There is evidence that APS is more strenuo[...]Article
Age-related loss of muscle mass, strength, and performance, commonly referred to as sarcopenia, has wide-ranging detrimental effects on human health, the ramifications of which can have serious implications for both morbidity and mortality. Vari[...]Livre
Simeon Niel-Asher ; Aurélie Dudeffand, Traducteur | Noisy-sur-Ecole (France) : Editions de l'éveil | 2016"Les 'trigger points' (aussi appelés 'points gâchettes') sont des noeuds qui se forment dans les muscles et les fascias à la suite de divers stress tels que tensions émotionnelles, postures inadaptées, mouvements répétitifs, accidents, carences [...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
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Liliam Fernandes de Oliveira ; Hélio V. Cabral ; Bruno Felipe Mendonça Leitao ; Thiago Torres da Matta |Previous evidence suggests the intense resistance training session can increase the muscle hardness, while stretching protocols with high intensity and volume can decrease it. However, it remains unknown the effects of an exercise and a less int[...]Article
Juliana Buch Rufo ; Milene Eloise Callegari Ferreira ; Brenda Lima Camargo ; Luciane Fernanda Rodrigues Martinho Fernandes |Background Shoulder pain is one of the most common complaints of patients with musculoskeletal disorders in the shoulder and is usually caused by the Subacromial Impact Syndrome. Muscle imbalances can contribute to this syndrome leading to disor[...]Article
You-Sin Kim ; You-Sin Kim ; Namju Lee |Background There are not so many Pilates studies related to muscle activation. Since the effectiveness and efficiency of the Pilates Hundred to muscle activation has recently emerged, it is necessary to investigate the effects of the Pilates Hun[...]Article
Introduction Kettlebell snatches are an efficient and effective exercise. If the kettlebell being utilized is too heavy or too many repetitions are executed, this can lead to an overuse injury such as a tendinopathy. Multiple orthopedic tests ex[...]Article
Objectives To investigate if there is a difference in muscle activity for overhead athletes before and after an intervention with correction of both core and scapula compared to no intervention and is there a difference between overhead athletes[...]Article
L'obésité sarcopénique En 1989, le terme « sarcopénie » est proposé par Rosenberg pour décrire l'altération progressive de la fonction et masse musculaire associées au processus de vieillissement. Depuis, diverses définitions de la sarcopénie o[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Kinesithérapie scientifique. 645 (Septembre 2022) Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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Objective To investigate the effects of Pilates on falls risk, fear of falling, postural balance, functional mobility, spatiotemporal gait parameters, mobility and physical activity in older adults. Design Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Meth[...]Article
Paloma Gonçalves Mendes ; Adriano Alves Pereira ; Pedro Henrique Alves Abreu ; Matheus Rodrigues Campos ; Carolina Lins ; Lilian Ramiro Felicio |Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a common condition in athletes, which can alter the muscular activity of lower limb during jump. The objective of the study was to verify the magnitude of activation, onset timing and order of recruitment of th[...]Article
Thomas Patselas ; Thomas Patselas ; Stefanos Karanasios ; Vasiliki Sakellari ; Ioannis Fysekis ; Marios I. Patselas ; George Gioftsos |Background Elevation and push up (Pu) exercises are considered to be beneficial for the rehabilitation of shoulder complex pathology. Despite their clinical utility, there is a lack of evidence comparing scapulothoracic muscles recruitment durin[...]Article
Introduction: The ability to maintain balance is essential for both remaining in the standing position and preventing falls. Physical therapy techniques such as kinesiology taping (KT) and stretching are considered to be effective measures in a[...]Article
Gastrocnemius contracture assessment must be performed when evaluating patients with metatarsalgia. Baumann procedure allows for selective lengthening of the gastrocnemius. Baumann procedure could be performed in the sett[...]Article
Introduction: Hamstring strain injury is common among sports injuries. A previous history of this injury is considered a strong predictor of recurrent hamstring strain injury. Fascial tissue reportedly becomes stiffer after hamstring strain inju[...]Article
Peter R. Lawrenson ; Kay M. Crossley ; Paul W. Hodges ; Bill Vicenzino ; Matthew G. King ; Joshua J. Heerey ; Adam Ivan Semciw |Objectives: Compare muscle activity between male football players with and without hip-related pain. Morphological and intra-articular features of hip-related pain are proposed pre-cursors to hip osteoarthritis. Altered muscle activity is a fe[...]Article
Background: Biomechanical muscle stiffness has been linked to musculoskeletal disorders. Assessing changes in muscle stiffness following DN may help elucidate a physiologic mechanism of DN. This study characterizes the effects of dry needling (D[...]Article
Guilherme Augusto Paiva Custódio ; Erik Cesar Terroni ; Jaqueline Martins ; Camila Felisbino Gobatto ; Anamaria Siriani de Oliveira |Purpose Scapular protraction strength can be evaluated using a hand-held dynamometer (HHD). However, it is necessary to measure the reliability of HHD in individuals with shoulder pain and to minimize the limitations related to the evaluator and[...]Article
Andrea Baellow ; Andrea Baellow ; Abbis H. Jaffri ; Jay Hertel ; Michael J. Higgins ; Cameron M. Rangecroft ; David J. Hryvniak ; Susan A. Saliba |Objective To identify if any differences exist in IFM size and quality in single leg weight bearing position between healthy and PFP participants based on foot posture. Design Cross-sectional, matched case-comparison study Setting University Lab[...]Article
Katriane Endiel Pereira ; Kauanny Lopes Pereira ; Renata Anddresa Stachelski ; Márcia Rosângela Buzanello Azevedo ; Alberito Rodrigo de Carvalho ; Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini ; Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini |Background Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) with kiloHertz currents (kHz) is a resource used in rehabilitation for producing muscle contractions with functional objectives, resulting from the optimization of the performance of aspects[...]Article
Naoto Matsunaga ; Naoto Matsunaga ; Yu Okubo ; Shunto Isagawa ; Jyunpei Niitsuma ; Takahiro Otsudo ; Yutaka Sawada ; Kiyokazu Akasaka |Introduction Hamstring strain often occurs at the end of a match or during practice in sports activities. The gluteus maximus muscle is an important muscle for hip extension along with the hamstring. Gluteus maximus muscle dysfunction may be inv[...]Article
L'activité physique atténue le risque cardio-métabolique. À l'inverse, la sédentarité favorise le développement de maladies chroniques. Ces observations ont conduit au concept que l'exercice, en stimulant la contraction musculaire, participe au [...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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J.N. Grima ; T.P. Agius ; K. Camilleri ; F. Bernardes ; A.R. Casha ; J. Xerri de Caro ; L. Camilleri |Objectifs Laviron, lorsquil est exercé comme un sport, se fait généralement en utilisant un bateau avec un siège coulissant ce qui permet une utilisation efficace des membres inférieurs. Néanmoins, laviron traditionnel avec siège fixe et aya[...]Article
Normative isometric plantarflexion strength values for professional level, male rugby union athletes
Matt Lee ; Mike Lancaster ; Laura Tulloch ; Brian O'Leary ; Eoin Power ; David Howes ; Bobby Sourbuts ; Amber Berry ; Francesca Maher ; Seth O'Neill |Objectives The primary aim was to establish normative values of isometric plantarflexor muscle strength in professional male rugby union players and compare forwards with backs. The secondary aims were to examine how individual playing position [...]Article
Ankle equinus is a condition often discussed in the foot and ankle literature, and is now a term increasingly applied to various pathologic entities. Originally discussed in the orthopedic literature in relation to diseases involving muscular sp[...]Article
Les peptides natriurétiques (PN) émergent depuis quelques années comme desrégulateurs importants du métabolisme énergétique et sont associés au diabète de type 2. Ces peptides modulent lactivité métabolique des tissus adipeux blancs et bruns, a[...]Article
V.C.W. Chen ; C.W. Lee ; S. Bui ; T.V. Lee ; J.D. Fluckey ; S.E. Riechman |Objectifs Tandis que lexercice en résistance augmente les acides gras libres plasmatiques et stimule lactivité des kinases, leffet direct de lexercice en résistance sur les récepteurs delta activés par les proliférateurs de peroxysomes (PPA[...]Article
Quatre personnes sur cinq dans le monde sont aujourdhui inactives. Linactivité physique est un facteur de risque principal dobésité et de diabète de type 2 (DT2). De très nombreuses études démontrent aujourdhui les bénéfices et lefficacité [...]Article
Le traitement chirurgical du névrome de Morton est indiqué en cas déchec du traitement conservateur. Lexcision du névrome rapporte de bons, voire dexcellents résultats pour 80 % des patients. Mais la libération du gastrocnémien médial et les [...]Article
Paulo Henrique Martins-de-Sousa ; Mariana Quixabeira Guimarães-Almeida ; José Mariedson da Silva Junior ; Alisson Sousa Santos ; Gabriel Gardhel Costa Araújo ; Flávio de Oliveira Pires ; Cid André Fidelis de Paula Gomes ; Vânia Tiê Koga Ferreira ; Almir Vieira Dibai-filho |Conservative treatment is the most common clinical management for the proper rehabilitation of patients with chronic neck pain, and there is a trend towards the use of therapeutic exercise. However, some uncertainty about the efficacy of therape[...]Article
Johnson and Strom Stage I Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity (PCFD) patients may have pain and swelling along the course of the posterior tibial tendon, but there is preserved function and no hindfoot deformity. A group of experts have propo[...]Article
Ritchele R. Marchese ; Ritchele R. Marchese ; Alexande Severo do Pinho ; Caroline Mazutti ; Kátia Daniele Rech ; Marcel Grzebellus ; Carsten Schäfer ; Leandro Giacometti da Silva ; Aline de Souza Pagnussat |Introduction This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) in promoting muscle irradiation to the lower limbs and to relate these findings with muscle activation during the sit-to-stand task. M[...]Article
M. Racinowski ; E. Mazur ; B.T. Lewandowski ; J. Golebiewski ; K. Kaluzny ; K. Leis |Contexte La quercétine est un polyphénol présent principalement dans les fruits et légumes. De nombreuses études montrent que sa supplémentation améliore laptitude physique. Objectif Le but de cette revue est de résumer la littérature à ce[...]Article
J. Alexander ; J. Jeffery ; D. Rhodes |Introduction The effectiveness of different forms of cryotherapy and combined compression (cryo-compression) commonly used in sport to enhance recovery following exercise are not fully understood. Therefore, the exploration of protocols that use[...]Article
Raúl Martínez-Rodríguez ; Fernando Galán-del-Río ; Juan Aboítiz Cantalapiedra ; Mariano T. Flórez-García ; Javier Martínez-Martín ; Alejandro Álvaro-Meca ; Shane L. Koppenhaver ; César Fernández-de-las-Peñas |Objective To investigate the reliability and discriminative validity of real-time ultrasound elastography (RTE) measures of soft-tissue elasticity after calf muscle tear. Design Cross-sectional, intra/inter-examiner reliability and comparative v[...]Article
Fábio J. Lanferdini ; Francesca Chaida Sonda ; Isabel A. Paz ; Luma Z. Oliveira ; Edgar S. Wagner Neto ; Talita Molinari ; Daniele C.S. Gomes ; Graciele Sbruzzi ; Marco A. Vaz |Introduction The aim of this study was to evaluate the intra and inter-rater and inter-analyzer reliability of neuromuscular variables and functional tests. Methods Cross-sectional crossover design. Two independent raters and analyzers evaluated[...]Article
Khadijeh Kazemi ; Khadijeh Kazemi ; Feryal Saadi ; Khodabakhsh Javanshir ; Shahin Goharpey ; Mohammad Jafar Shaterzadeh-Yazdi ; Seyyed Shirmard Miraali ; Gholamhossein Nassadj |Background Ankle sprain is a common problem among active people and athletes. It causes reduces their activity of daily living and quality of life. Because of the impaired muscle strength and neuromuscular and postural control, it seems that the[...]Article
Autophagy is a complex degradation pathway responsible for clearing damaged and dysfunctional organelles. High-fat-dietinduced obesity has been shown to alter autophagy throughout the body in a tissue-specific manner. The impact of obesity on s[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Nutrition reviews. Vol. 78, n° 1 (January 2020) Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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K. Leis ; A. Baska ; E. Mazur ; P. Kaczor ; M. Racinowski ; P. Gatazka |Actualités Les schisandrines sont un groupe de composés chimiques contenus dans Schisandra chinensis , classifiés parmi les lignanes. Elles comprennent: la schisandrine A, la B, C et le schisandrol A. On attribue à ces substances bien connues e[...]Article
M. Kordi ; S. Khoramshahi ; S. Eshghi ; A. Gaeeni ; A. Moosakhani |Objectifs Latrophie musculaire est une complication possible du diabète, et peut être contrecarrée par divers types dactivité physique. Cette étude se propose donc dévaluer limpact de cinq semaines dentraînements intermittent à haute int[...]Article
Objectifs Cette revue a pour but danalyser les données disponibles, principalement les plus récentes, concernant lutilisation dun complément alimentaire en L-carnitine et la performance sportive, afin de comprendre si la L-carnitine peut e[...]Article
Collagen is the central structural component of extracellular connective tissue, which provides elastic qualities to tissues. For skeletal muscle, extracellular connective tissue transmits contractile force to the tendons and bones. Connective t[...]Article
Kentaro Mikami ; Kentaro Mikami ; Mina Samukawa ; Kensuke Oba ; Kentaro Nakamura ; Yuki Suzumori ; Yuko Ishida ; Hisashi Matsumoto ; Yoshimitsu Aoki ; Tomoya Ishida ; Masanori Yamanaka ; Harukazu Tohyama |Objectives To investigate the knee flexor torque-angle curve after hamstring strain injury using different muscle action types and angular velocities. Design Cross-sectional. Setting Controlled laboratory. Participants Thirteen collegiate athlet[...]Article
Mariana Borges ; Mariana Borges ; Anelize Cini ; Francesca Chaida Sonda ; Emmanuel Souza da Rocha ; Cassiele Janina Felappi ; Marco Aurélio Vaz ; Cláudia Silveira Lima |Objective To verify the effect of 10-min static stretching on the triceps surae mechanical properties. Design: Quasi-experimental one-group pre test-post test study compared the time points of before, after, and minute by minute of one session o[...]