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Titre : | E-professionalism and social media use amongst nurses and midwives: A cross-sectional study (2021) |
Auteurs : | Georgia Griffin ; Natalie Williams ; Zoe Bradfield ; Yvonne L. Hauck |
Type de document : | Article |
Dans : | Nurse Education in Practice (Vol. 57, November 2021) |
Article en page(s) : | 7p. |
Note générale : | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103248 |
Langues: | Anglais |
Descripteurs : |
HE Vinci Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en santé ; Education ; Identité professionnelle ; Médias sociaux ; Sage-femme ; Soins infirmiers |
Mots-clés: | E-professionnalisme |
Résumé : | Aim To describe nurses and midwives social media use, knowledge, attitudes and information needs, in the context of e-professionalism. A secondary aim was to identify any relationship between these variables and age, or professional role. Background Midwives and nurses are viewed by the public as trusted professionals. On social media, the boundary between professional and personal identities can be blurred. Previous research has explored how student nurses navigate professional behaviour online, or e-professionalism. However, confusion persists amongst established nurses and midwives, despite the policies which guide and regulate their online conduct. Design A cross-sectional designwas applied. The STROBE guideline informed reporting of the findings. Methods A validated survey tool was modified to the study setting. Responses to 17 survey items were analysed using Chi-square and Fishers exact tests. Qualitative content analysis was conducted on responses to two open-ended questions. Results In total, 311 nurses and midwives from one Western Australian tertiary hospital participated between August 2019 and February 2020. Social media use was widespread (97.4%, n = 299). Associations were identified between age group and eight survey items assessing social media use, knowledge and attitudes. No associations were identified between professional role and social media use, knowledge and attitudes. Content analysis revealed five themes: Maintaining professional boundaries; Avoidance; Protecting self; Responsibilities and consequences; and Social media as a tool. Conclusions Midwives and nurses in this study approached social media with caution yet many were curious about its potential. If midwives and nurses are to be held accountable to social media policies and use the benefits social media affords, they must be supported to evolve into proficient users by educators and policy makers. Tweetable abstract Nurses and midwives must be supported through policy and education to embrace social media as a tool of the future. |
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