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Titre : | Occupational Therapy Interventions for Children Ages Birth5 Years (2020) |
Auteurs : | Karrie Kingsley ; Gloria Frolek Clark |
Type de document : | Article |
Dans : | American journal of occupational therapy (Vol. 74, n° 5, September/October 2020) |
Article en page(s) : | p. 1-4 |
Note générale : | doi:10.5014/ajot.2020.745001 |
Langues: | Anglais |
Descripteurs : |
HE Vinci Enfant d'âge préscolaire (2-5 ans) ; Ergothérapie ; Nourrisson ; Pédiatrie ; Thérapeutique ; Trouble autistique |
Résumé : | Evidence Connection articles provide a clinical application of systematic reviews developed in conjunction with the American Occupational Therapy Association's (AOTA's) Evidence-Based Practice Project. This article presents a case example of a young child with autism spectrum disorder who receives occupational therapy evaluation and intervention in natural environments (home and child care center). Systematic review findings supporting enhancement of key life occupations through interventions to develop cognitive, motor, socialemotional, and self-care skills for young children were published in AOTA's Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Early Childhood: Birth5 Years (Frolek Clark & Kingsley, 2020) and the March/April 2020 issue of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (Gronski & Doherty, 2020; Kingsley et al., 2020; Tanner et al., 2020). Each article in the Evidence Connection series applies evidence from the published reviews on a topic to a related case. These articles are designed to promote application of the evidence to practice. |
Disponible en ligne : | Oui |
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