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Titre : | Relationship Between Auditory and Visual Noise Acceptance in Normal-Hearing Listeners (2020) |
Auteurs : | Patrick N. Plyler ; Kathleen F. Faulkner ; Mary K. Easterday ; Teresa M. Slade |
Type de document : | Article |
Dans : | Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA) (Vol. 31, n° 2, February 2020) |
Article en page(s) : | p. 118-128 |
Langues: | Anglais |
Descripteurs : |
HE Vinci Adaptation à l'aide auditive ; Aide auditive ; Audition dans le bruit ; Bruit ; Perception de la parole |
Résumé : |
Research has shown that hearing aid acceptance is closely related to how well an individual tolerates background noise, regardless of improved speech understanding in background noise. The acceptable noise level (ANL) test was developed to quantify background noise acceptance. The ANL test measures a listeners willingness to listen to speech in noise rather than their ability to understand speech in noise, and is clinically valuable as a predictor of hearing aid success.
Noise acceptance is thought to be mediated by central regions of the nervous system, but the underlying mechanism of noise acceptance is not well understood. Higher order central efferent mechanisms may be weaker and/or central afferent mechanisms are more active in listeners with large versus small ANLs. Noise acceptance, therefore, may not be limited to the auditory modality but observable across modalities. We designed a visual-ANL test, as a parallel of the auditory-ANL test, to examine the relations between auditory and visual noise acceptance. |
Disponible en ligne : | Oui |
En ligne : | https://login.ezproxy.vinci.be/login?url=https://medone-comsci.thieme.com/ejournals/2157-3107_2020_02?context=search#/10.3766-jaaa.18100 |