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Auteur Ray Sugianto |
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Maryann Regina Rolands ; Jia Ying Toh ; Ray Sugianto ; Wen Lun Yuan ; Yung Seng Lee ; Kok Hian Tan ; Fabian Yap ; Keith M. Godfrey ; Johan G. Eriksson ; Yap Seng Chong ; Klazine Van der Horst ; Mary Foong-Fong Chong |Background Diet quality indexes are useful tools to measure diet quality because they compare dietary intakes against recommendations. A dietary quality index for Asian preschool-aged children is lacking. Objective The aims of this study were to[...]Article
Ray Sugianto ; Mei Jun Chan ; Shu Fang Wong ; Lynette Pei-Chi Shek ; Kok Hian Tan ; Yap Seng Chong ; Keith M. Godfrey ; Bee-Choo Tai ; Mary Foong-Fong Chong |Background: Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) are often used to assess dietary intakes due to their ability to assess intake over extended periods, their low respondent burden, and their cost-effectiveness. A quantitative FFQ that includes l[...]