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Auteur Robert E.H. van Cingel |
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Inge E.P.M. van Haren ; Robert E.H. van Cingel ; André L.M. Verbeek ; Nicky van Melick ; Janine H. Stubbe ; Hans Bloo ; J.Hans M.M. Groenewoud ; Philip J. van der Wees ; J. Bart Staal |Background Determining readiness to return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is challenging. Objectives To develop models to predict initial (directly after rehabilitation) and sustainable (one year after rehabilitat[...]Article
Objective To determine reproducibility of a battery of clinical tests for evaluating lumbopelvic motor control (LMC). Design Test-retest design. Participants Fifty healthy subjects. Outcome Measures Two raters independently examined perfo[...]